
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

My Collage x2

This is my collage that I made for homework. This collage shows What school I go to, The sponsors for our net books and Me, John. 

My Collage

This is my collage that I did for homework. We had to create a collage about term 1. These are my memories that I remember about term 1.  I am really blessed to be at this school because I have lots of cool friends and have an AWESOME teacher.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Duffy Books

These are my duffy books. I am really looking forward to reading these books. These books look really AWESOME and very interesting. I can't wait to read these books.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Maths DLO

This is a collaborative task that the Tiki's made. This is a maths DLO that we had to do during maths time. We had to figure out the answer to the equation and write it out. Next we had to find out The clues that would help us. Thirdly we  had to make our own number problem. Fourth and finally we had to publish it onto our blogs. Try and figure the last slide out.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Maths DLO

This is my maths DLO that we had to do for maths. We had to think about which was the best strategy to use. We thought about it and knew that we would do the fastest and easiest strategy to use. We think this strategy was the easiest and fastest because we all knew how to do it and because everyone knew it. I think this was a very fun activity to do.