
Friday, 22 August 2014

Netball Session

For term 3 kiwi sport it was netball. Marin, our netball coach, tought us how to do alot of things like chest pass, shooting the goal(if you want to shoot fo goal you have to put your writing hand underneath the ball and put the opposite hand on the side of the ball and then flick your rist), how to defend ourselves and how to do offence. In offence you have to pass it to the person who is free, and in defence you have to try and  stop the opposition sscoring a goal.

Kiwi Kids News Quiz

This week I got another 100%. On the quiz news I learnt that Engari means but. On the questions it was really easy because I already knew the answers.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


If I could migrate anywhere in the world I would go to Australia because of their theme parks and because my aunt lives there with my cousin. They live in Sydney. I have never been out of New Zealand. If I went out of New Zealand I would be the first person in my family to go out of New Zealand(NZ).

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Space Jump 2014

Space Jump 2014

Yesterday I went with Room 9 to a Storyline Show. The charecters in the show were Tye and Naomi. The show was called Space Jump. Tye and Naomi were both pretending to act as two charecters. Tye was a preffesor and a school boy. Naomi was a proffesor and a school girl that got turned into an alien. The alien was looking for fiction books, and looking for data about fiction books. They tought us something about a book. If the book is in a different language and you can't understand it ask someone who understands the book to read it to you. Tye called some people from the audience and they were Yvette(Mumma bear), Hailey(Papa bear), Sahil(Baby bear) and Ducati(Goldilocks). Everyone was laughing at Ducati because he was dressed up as a girl.  Then Johnno the school asked some more peope to come up from the audience. They had to stand in a line holding a piece of paper that said a word on it. They had to mixed up. Then the alien had to try and make those words into a sentence, and asked us if the sentence was correct. The show was AWESOME!!!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Kiwi Kids News Quiz Results

This is my Kiwi kids news quiz results. I am really happy because I got 100%. I hope the next time I do it I will get the same results.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Kiwi kids news Quiz

Did you know Poitarawhiti means netball. I learnt this from kiwi kids news.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Duffy Theatre

Duffy Theatre

Today Rooms 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8 went to the Duffy Theatre Show. The charecters in the show were Duffy, Rosie and Uncle Bingo. Duffy was the King of books at the begining and Rosie was the Queen at the end. I really liked Uncle Bingo because he was funny. Duffy loves to read and so does Rosie. At the begining Uncle Bingo did not like reading because he was a sporting guy.  Duffy didn't really like his Uncle, Duffy tried really hard to get his Uncle Bingo to read but he already knew how to read. Duffy was really embarresed. Then they made him the best book. Rosie gave him a ballerina book to take with him on the plane. He was reading it and on his game day he acted like a ballerina and got a try. Rosies book helped him read more books. While they were acting there was a message that they sent us when they were acting. It was  Read Read Read!