
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Space Jump 2014

Space Jump 2014

Yesterday I went with Room 9 to a Storyline Show. The charecters in the show were Tye and Naomi. The show was called Space Jump. Tye and Naomi were both pretending to act as two charecters. Tye was a preffesor and a school boy. Naomi was a proffesor and a school girl that got turned into an alien. The alien was looking for fiction books, and looking for data about fiction books. They tought us something about a book. If the book is in a different language and you can't understand it ask someone who understands the book to read it to you. Tye called some people from the audience and they were Yvette(Mumma bear), Hailey(Papa bear), Sahil(Baby bear) and Ducati(Goldilocks). Everyone was laughing at Ducati because he was dressed up as a girl.  Then Johnno the school asked some more peope to come up from the audience. They had to stand in a line holding a piece of paper that said a word on it. They had to mixed up. Then the alien had to try and make those words into a sentence, and asked us if the sentence was correct. The show was AWESOME!!!


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